Coalesce now supports Snowflake OAuth.
When opening the build tab, you’ll now see a bell icon for our Problem Scanner on the left pane which will politely notify you when something goes wrong with your settings.
We have improved the UI for Environments/storage locations settings making it less frustrating.
Snowflake connection setup has been moved to the Environments settings.
New users alert! You can now sign up for a free trial and get started with our app.
v2.1 - K2 - What's New
Our newest feature ‘Node Type Editor’ is now fully rolled out! This feature allows you to create and edit templates for a specific node type.
Coalesce now supports Data Vault.
We now have Adaptive DDL! You can propagate column addition and deletion for the nodes connected in a column lineage graph.
The app now supports Single Sign-On with Okta.
You can now create nodes without a source in the graph.
‘View’ materialization can be supported with any node type.
We tinkered and polished some things that can’t go unnoticed. You are going to love the app even more!

v1.2 - Everest Patch 2 - What's New
We've polished some things too small to notice. The app looks better than it was.
The app now allows you to deploy your EDW to multiple environments
Create Jobs to run subsets of your EDW that can be triggered by your own enterprise scheduler
Preview your deployment SQL from a git package
Added a 'default value' field to column level metadata
The app now supports JSON parsing.
v1.3 - Everest Patch 3 - What's New
Change! You’ll notice a new tab ‘Macros’ in workspace settings. Add your repetitively used sequences to this template and you can apply it on transforms for any source nodes.
We now have a new wizard for ‘derive mappings’ to view column changes.
You can now ‘Copy’ Insert/Update/Delete/Where statement to clipboard from the left sider tree.
The app now supports parameterized snowflake credentials for deployment.
You can view jobs, subgraphs and mappings for a git package in the Deploy plan.
Hover over the ‘Column lineage’ graph to view the datatype of the column.
We've tweaked some things too small to notice. The app now looks more interesting.