Product Updates

v6.1.0 - Cho Oyu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What’s New

  • Projects will be enabled for all existing customers and on by default for all new customers. You can read more about this feature and see a video on our documentation page here.

  • Querying runs from before November 2022 via API/CLI is now supported!

  • New Transient Deployment Strategy available for UDNs, read more in our documentation here.

  • A variety of small UI improvements to the Deployment Dashboard for improved usability.

  • Minor performance and UI improvements that make the app smoother and more user-friendly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where users could sometimes delete themselves.

  • Fixed an issue where drag and drop would sometimes stop working in multi source nodes.

  • The Node and List Nodes API endpoints now correctly return a 400 error when an invalid Environment ID is selected.

  • The coa CLI application now accepts the parameter —forceIgnoreEnvironmentStatus, as expected.

  • Optimized the out-of-the-box Dimension Node template to prevent incorrect dates from appearing while sources are unchanged.

  • Fixed a variety of smaller bugs and issues.


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CLI Version Deprecation

by Coalesce
Action Required

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v6.0.0 - Cho Oyu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What’s New

  • Projects have arrived! These are logical groupings of work that help customers organize their data warehousing efforts by a specific function or mission. They will be automatically enabled for new orgs, existing orgs can reach out to support to have them enabled. You can read more and see a video on our documentation page here.

  • The Deploy Dashboard has gotten an overhaul. Users can now filter runs and view more run history at first glance. You can learn more here.

  • Git credentials are now reusable across different Projects. You can read more here.

  • Made stability improvements to the renderer.

  • Minor performance and UI improvements, making the app smoother and more user-friendly.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved overall UI stability.

  • The List Runs API endpoint no longer responds with toWorkspaceID, now correctly uses EnvironmentID. forceIgnoreWorkspaceStatus is now forceIgnoreEnvironmentStatus. This is for consistency in terminology, as these are Environments, not Workspaces.

  • The Runs and Runs List API endpoint responses no longer mention steps, and correctly reference nodes.

  • Fixed an issue where reordering columns would sometimes not update the DDL.

  • Fixed an issue where discarding changes in the git modal would sometimes not work.

  • Fixed a bug where the merge conflict modal would show incorrect text after viewing more than one merge conflict.

  • Fixed a few UI bugs around hash algorithm selection.

  • Fixed a variety of smaller bugs and issues.


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v5.5.0 - Makalu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What's New

  • Users can now parse their XML variant data in addition to JSON data - read more here.

  • New API and CLI endpoints to access Run\*, Node, and Environment metadata - read more here.

  • There’s now a coa CLI option to manually append git SHA to deployments, resulting in label in git modal \[ --gitsha \].

  • UI scalability improvements when loading graph views.

  • Minor performance and UI improvements, making the app smoother and more user-friendly.

  • Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is required and enforced for all OAuth authorizations.

_\* Run Results data from**before November 2022 will not be available** via the API/CLI. Support for querying those older Runs coming soon!_

Bug Fixes

  • Re-sync source columns now detects modified and deleted columns, not just added ones.

  • Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause Runs to be marked failed even though they had completed successfully.

  • Fixed an issue where if a node in a deployment had an error, unrelated Nodes would also have their deployment stopped.

  • Added a scroll bar to the source section of Multi Source Nodes to better support a large number of sources.

  • Fixed a bug that could result in the application crashing when using `tabularConfig` items in the creation of User-defined Node Types.

  • Removed the “Results per Page” button in the Org Settings Users list, as it was not functional.

  • Fixed some bugs in the generated documentation that would occasionally lead to crashes.

  • Fixed a bug that could block updating SSO settings.

  • Many smaller fixes.

v5.4.5 - Makalu

by Coalesce

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause runs to be marked failed even though they had completed successfully.

v5.4.0 - Makalu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What's New

  • The git repository will now be automatically cloned in the browser, if previously configured. This will provide a more seamless experience when accessing the app from different computers or browsers.

  • Users can now change the generated default join statement for a UDN using a Jinja template. More details in our docs here.

  • We now support self-hosted git repositories from most git providers.

  • Improved node bulk editing so that it shows a preview like the column bulk editor.

  • The mapping grid now displays which columns are used in a hash.

  • New nodes can now be created based on a selection of columns, even if they’re in different nodes.

  • The problem scanner is now a caution sign instead of a bell.

  • The forceIgnoreWorkspaceStatus option now works for CLI re-runs.

  • Minor performance and UI improvements, making the app smoother and more user-friendly.

Bug Fixes

  • CLI Error messaging improvements.

  • Fixed bugs around swapping git repositories to make the experience better.

  • Re-running a failed job in our CLI application now re-runs from the previous failure point.

  • Fixed a bug that could occur when trying to create nodes of invalid node types.

  • Fixed a bug that could make transforms on a multi-source node difficult to edit.

  • Fixed an issue with generated documentation for graphs that lacked source nodes.

  • Fixed an issue where a corrupt node type could prevent generated documentation from rendering.

  • Fixed many other small bugs to improve the overall user experience.

v5.3.0 - Makalu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What's New

  • All APIs now use request headers with Bearer Authentication, providing enhanced security for the platform. Using authentication tokens in the query parameters is still supported, but not recommended. Please refer to our API documentation to learn more about the new format and how to use it.

  • We have added a new config item type (columnDropdownSelector) that can be used in User Defined Nodes to select a single column from a dropdown menu, providing greater flexibility and customization for your pipelines. You can read more here.

  • We now support self-hosted git repositories from most git providers.

  • Environments and workspaces can now be assigned text and background colors, making it easier for users to differentiate between them on the activity feed, deploy wizard, and git modal.

  • OAuth configuration is now in a different location within workspace/environment settings. Client ID and secret are no longer visible in the UI after saving the configuration, enhancing the security of the platform.

  • Node IDs and column IDs are now UUIDs instead of integers, improving consistency and providing better support for future features. This will only apply to newly created nodes.

  • Our CLI application now records git SHA commits so the UI will show the environment in which they've been deployed.

  • The git modal and deployment wizard now have more consistent terminology and functionality.

  • Checkout and merge latest buttons are now disabled in the git modal when viewing the current branch, reducing confusion.

  • Minor performance and UI improvements, making the app smoother and more user-friendly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Admin users were unable to reset user passwords.

  • Fixed a UI bug where storage mappings with long names would look uneven in some parts of the interface.

  • Fixed an issue with column lineage not appearing correctly for multi-source nodes.

  • Fixed an app crash in our generated documentation that would sometimes happen when selecting certain nodes.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent users from selecting and copying text from many parts of the app.

  • Fixed a coa bug where the auth types were printed incorrectly in the error message.

  • Some small UI improvements to our generated documentation.

  • This update provides important bug fixes and security updates.

  • Fixed many other small bugs to improve the overall user experience.

v5.2.0 - Makalu

by Coalesce
Bug Fix

What's New

  • The Run Results grid has had a major interface overhaul and now provides a live progress bar, per-stage and per-run metadata, as well as sorting and filtering for many fields. More details here

  • Coalesce now adds Snowflake query tags automatically for every job run via Deploy/Refresh, which provide information about the job's context. Query tags for Create/Run jobs are coming soon!

  • Users can now be deleted/deactivated via the Org Settings menu by Admin users. More details here

  • The Problem Scanner now detects columns that reference tables not in the JOIN string and triggers a problem accordingly

  • There are now a series of helper tokens {{TGT}} similar to the existing {{SRC}} ones, except these look at the current node/column name instead of the source. More details here

  • You can now select a commit in the Deploy Wizard by clicking anywhere in the row, not just the name

  • The SHA of the current git commit is now visible in the git modal

  • Changing the node type is now supported for Multi-Source nodes

  • Source column cells now have tooltips on hover

  • Column Bulk Editor interface improvements so that indentations and hierarchy are easier to notice

  • Storage locations listed in a node's Properties section now show the database and schema associated with that location

  • Column Grid now shows Storage Location as a column

  • The Security Settings page has been renamed Change Password to better reflect its purpose

  • New better-looking workspace launch buttons

  • Improved the quality of errors provided by the coa CLI application to users

  • This release includes minor performance and UI improvements. The app should be running smoother than before.

Bug Fixes

  • Updating a workspace now correctly reports a workspace was edited, not an environment

  • Fixed a rare bug where invalid JSON in Parameters could sometimes cause an app crash

  • Fixed a rare race condition bug that could occur when duplicating nodes

  • Fixed a misleading result error on the Deploy page whereby a test would pass, but still be shown as a failure

  • Fixed many other smaller problems and improved error logs

v5.0.0 - Makalu - What's New

by Coalesce
  • There's now a new Node Selector syntax. This filter is supported in all views. More details are in our Selector article. Note that this represents a breaking change for ad hoc CLI/API jobs that used the previous syntax.

  • There is now a common git repo URL that is shared between all users within the same Organization. This represents a potential breaking change, as you'll need to re-enter your git credentials before you can proceed with git-related tasks.

  • A new version of Jobs is now available. You can use the Node Selector to include or exclude nodes from a Job. More details in our Jobs article.

  • Subgraphs now open in their own tab. See more details in our Subgraphs article.

  • Column grid view now supports bulk editing of non-source columns.

  • Column bulk editor now supports Column Name updates using Jinja2 templates.

  • Grouping by table headers is now available in Node grid view.

  • The problem scanner will notify users about broken refs occurring in the join textbox within a node.

  • If using the Coalesce coa CLI, you must upgrade to version 1.0.167 or later to use the latest features listed above.

  • You can now restart a failed refresh via API - Rerun Failed Refresh/Job or coa CLI CLI Refresh.

  • This release includes significant UI improvements. Hopefully, the app should be even better for everyone.