Coalesce cleaning up deprecated metadata fields in Nodes. The change will improve data integrity across Coalesce. This will happen in two stages:

  • Release 7.14

  • Release 7.15

When doing a commit, you might see changes for Nodes that you haven’t modified. This is expected while deprecated metadata is removed. We suggest making a commit with the changes then continuing on with your workflow. Do not delete, edit, or modify the deprecated fields in any way.

Changes in Release 7.14

Deprecated fields in 7.14  will primarily affect older workspaces that haven't been accessed recently. For actively maintained workspaces, the impact should be minimal. However, if you attempt to commit against previously archived or long-dormant workspaces, you may encounter these changes.

Deprecated Properties Removed

The following properties will be completely removed if present:

Top-level column properties:

  • ghostRecordValue

  • descendedFrom

  • hashColumns

  • columnsForHash

Inside hashDetails object:

  • hashType

  • hubHashes

Properties corrected for Invalid Data

Properties set to empty string (""):

  • dataType - if not a string type

  • transform - if empty

Properties completely removed if invalid

  • appliedColumnTests - if null

  • config - if null

  • hashDetails - if it's a string (should be an object)

Column Reference Fixes

Column Reference (columnReference)

  • stepCounter - if null/undefined, set to the node's ID

  • All IDs within column references are converted to strings (previously numbers were allowed - this change has been around for a long time)

Source Column References (sourceColumnReferences)

For each reference in the array:

  • All IDs within column references are converted to strings

  • stepCounter - if null/undefined, set to empty string ("")

Hashed Columns Fixes

For hashedColumns array:

  • All IDs within column references are converted to strings

Upcoming Changes in Release 7.15

Deprecated fields in 7.15 will affect all Source Node Types regardless of age or activity status.

Deprecated Properties Removed:

  • dataset

  • table

  • metadata.join

  • metadata.sourceMapping - already absent from most sources