We are excited to release multi-branch git support to our customers! You can now check out older versions of your data pipelines, branch for new feature development or implement a hotfix, merge in changes, and handle merge conflicts—all from within the app!
Run status now displayed in Node grid to have a tabular view of what is running in your DAG.
Introduction of Column-level grid to browse all columns in your DAG. Currently, this feature is read-only...but exciting things are to come!
v3.1 - Kanchenjunga Patch 1 - What's New
Coalesce Command Line Interface (coa) is now available via npm. You can read more details here.
We redesigned our interface for assigning columns to hash columns. Now the order of these columns can be explicitly set.
Coalesce no longer pre-fetches data previews during "Run All"
General improvements to the UX and internal logging
v3.0 - Kanchenjunga - What's New
You can now write node level and column level SQL tests for all node types.
Admins now have control over user management.
Grid view now supports node search.
Introduced a new core UI element to capture more generic user input in a table-like structure.
We’ve added new options to the graph tab! You can now Validate create and run, Create all nodes from the graph.
Multisource is now supported on the View node type.
Bulk edit now supports node and column source mapping.
Dimension node type now expires records with milliseconds granularity rather than 1 day in the past.
v2.4.1 - K2 Patch 4.1 - What's New
The app now supports Gridview on the build tab. This view can be toggled off or on.
We have made changes to the metadata structure. This will include column details for the upstream nodes.
v2.4 - K2 Patch 4 - What's New
You can now expand many of the config items to full screen.
The app now supports ‘SHA1’ as the default hashing algorithm as recommended by Data Vault 2.0.
v2.3 - K2 Patch 3 - What's New
Coalesce now supports Snowflake OAuth.
When opening the build tab, you’ll now see a bell icon for our Problem Scanner on the left pane which will politely notify you when something goes wrong with your settings.
We have improved the UI for Environments/storage locations settings making it less frustrating.
Snowflake connection setup has been moved to the Environments settings.
New users alert! You can now sign up for a free trial and get started with our app.
v2.1 - K2 - What's New
Our newest feature ‘Node Type Editor’ is now fully rolled out! This feature allows you to create and edit templates for a specific node type.
Coalesce now supports Data Vault.
We now have Adaptive DDL! You can propagate column addition and deletion for the nodes connected in a column lineage graph.
The app now supports Single Sign-On with Okta.
You can now create nodes without a source in the graph.
‘View’ materialization can be supported with any node type.
We tinkered and polished some things that can’t go unnoticed. You are going to love the app even more!

v1.2 - Everest Patch 2 - What's New
We've polished some things too small to notice. The app looks better than it was.
The app now allows you to deploy your EDW to multiple environments
Create Jobs to run subsets of your EDW that can be triggered by your own enterprise scheduler
Preview your deployment SQL from a git package
Added a 'default value' field to column level metadata
The app now supports JSON parsing.