Product Updates

v5.0.1 - Makalu - Hotfix 1

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Fixed an issue where some Jobs were not migrated to the new Jobs format correctly by not including all predecessor Nodes after the migration. This may have also caused any scheduled Jobs to not run to parity.

v5.0.0 - Makalu - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • We fixed a bug that caused the data preview to display the result set from Snowflake incorrectly.

  • Changing the storage location for a node was resulting in some spooky behavior. This bug has been squished.

  • Typing in the source column cascader editor may have resulted in the app crashing. Now, it works.

  • Changing an existing user’s role now works as expected.

  • Previously, bulk editing the Default Value field in the mapping grid wasn’t working. This has been fixed.

  • You may have noticed that the column propagation preview wasn’t working as expected.

  • We will now notify you of invalid storage mappings while adding sources.

  • Notifications for empty storage mappings in the Deploy wizard are more readable now.

v4.2 - Lhotse - Hotfix 2

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Fixed an issue where mixed case column names wouldn't work as expected.

v4.2 - Lhotse - Hotfix

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • The JSON sample size is used in the Snowflake sample query

  • More efficient sampling of Variant data by only selecting a single column

  • Fixed a JSON parser bug that would cause duplication of columns in some specific scenarios

  • Fixed a bug that would cause some data fields to not display correctly in the data preview pane

v4.2 - Lhotse - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Changing a node's materialization from a Table to a View and then deploying now works as expected.

  • We now correctly calculate dependencies with ref_no_link when deploying metadata, which allows deployments of graphs that are not linear.

  • This release includes minor improvements around Deploy. We'll return you to your regular type of release next time.

v4.1 - Lhotse - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Fixed an app crash that could occur with runtime parameters in the generated documentation.

  • You may have noticed an error when two multi-source nodes were open simultaneously. We've fixed this.

  • Previously the QUALIFY keyword was not recognized by our SQL editor, this is no longer a problem.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent new users from being initialized as Admins.

  • Sometimes Coalesce would not launch on first try — this has now been fixed.

  • We've tinkered and polished some rough edges. The app should be better than it was.

v4.0 - Lhotse - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • We’ve upgraded some dependencies that the app runs on, resulting in better performance and fewer bugs.

  • Sometimes workspace and environment creation dates could be inaccurate in the UI, this is now fixed.

v3.5 - Kanchenjunga Patch 5 - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Previously, you may have expected that specifying a Snowflake warehouse via api call would override the default value. But sadly it didn’t. It should now work as intended.

  • OAuth will now disconnect without making a fuss.

  • Generated documentation for User Defined Nodes now uses the Node Type Name like it should.

  • Loading the app won’t take too long anymore. Hooray!

  • Users would receive a message asking for excessive permissions from Azure Single Sign-On. That was bothersome, so we fixed that.

  • You can now actually view the Run script in generated documentation.
    Occasionally, the Activity Feed did not update the run status automatically. It will now be more punctual.

  • The app would sometimes set multiple default storage locations. It no longer does that.

v3.4 - Kanchenjunga Patch 4 - Bug Fixes

by Coalesce
Bug Fix
  • Previously, the node type editor had developed a distracting text overflow issue. That has been fixed now.

  • Clearing your search from the source cascader no longer throws an error.

  • Pagination for Job history now works as expected.

  • Improved issues with git versions

  • Improved column lineage calculation

  • Fixed a bug where column propagation would not create a new column correctly

  • Fixed performance issues with the source select dropdown

  • We tweaked many other issues as well